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How to Sell your book:

To list your book for sale on BookBucks, all you need is the ISBN number (this is usually located on the back cover, i.e. 0-201-74815-0), an email address, so that whomever wants to buy your book can get ahold of you, and where you would like to meet.

Make sure that you type in your ISBN exactly as it appears on the textbook you wish to sell. This number is what identifies your book to people wanting to buy it. Every book as a unique ISBN, so searching for your book will be simple!

You can also provide additional information to be displayed with your book listing, to help others determine what classes use the book, what condition it is in, or if you are willing to trade for something, etc. You may also wish to include the title of your book, as it appears on the cover. Different printings of the same book may have slightly different titles, so try and type it as it appears on your book.

Your book submission will be reviewed by BookBucks and grouped with any other identical books on the "Browse" page of BookBucks for all interested students to inquire about. Be prepared to coordinate a meeting with someone looking to buy your book. A list of suggested meeting locations is provided below, all of which provide a safe, public, and friendly atmosphere. Enjoy!

Book's ISBN:

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Book's Title:

Your Email Address:

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